So What is Whiplash?

by Aug 6, 2024

So What is Whiplash?


Whiplash is a common yet often misunderstood injury that affects millions of people each year. Statistics suggest that 3 million Americans will suffer with a whiplash injury on an annual basis. The economic burden is substantial and estimated to be 3 billion dollars annually.

Whiplash is an injury to the cervical spine or neck.  It is a result of a sudden rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip. This sudden motion can cause damage to the neck’s muscles, ligaments, and nerves.

A common misunderstanding is that the accident must be severe to have an injury.  Not True, A rear end collision of 5mph can cause injury that requires treatment.

While whiplash is most commonly associated with car accidents, particularly rear-end collisions, it can also result from sports injuries, falls, or other traumatic incidents.


How to Diagnose Whiplash?


Proper diagnosis and understanding of an injury is essential to tailor the appropriate treatment.  Thankfully diagnosing whiplash is not terribly difficult.  To diagnose a whiplash injury your provider should perform the following:


  1. Review mechanism of the injury – understanding all the facts about the crash is important to determine the status of an injury. For instance, was it a rear end collision, or were you hit from the side.  Did your vehicle get pushed into another car, or did it spin after impact?   The direction of these forces can have substantial influence on the injuries to the spine.
  2. A detailed history of all symptoms and how life may have changed after the crash. Are you having trouble performing regular everyday activities at home, or is it more difficult to concentrate at work?
  3. A complete examination of the areas of complaint including range of motion measurements and a full orthopedic evaluation.
  4. A Computer Radiographic Mensuration Analysis (CRMA) – This is perhaps the most important step, because it can objectively determine the extent of a spinal injury. A CRMA involves a specific series of X-rays, that include images in flexion and extension.  It is followed by a digital measurement of the films.  The CRMA measurement will tell us if there is excessive motion of one bone over another, which is necessary to determine:
  • The amount of damage done to the supporting structures of the cervical spine.
  • The correct approach to your care.
  • If the injury related to a car accident will result in permanent damage.


What is Permanent Damage?


If there is excessive motion determined by the CRMA it indicates permanent damage to one or more ligaments supporting the spine.  The technical term for this type of ligament laxity is an Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity (AOMSI).  Essentially meaning that even after treatment, it is highly probable the injury will flare up from time to time.  This can be important information to have when discussing your injury with the insurance companies or potentially attorneys.


If you or someone you know has been in a recent car accident and there are concerns about injury, Desert Valley Chiropractic may be able to help.  We will sit with you and take the time to review all the factors around your crash and determine if we can help.  Please call us at 602-439-1515 to schedule a consultation.






Dr. Katherine

Dr. David Iacuone

Dr. Dave is a graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, MO. As a student clinician he became heavily involved with the technique attending many seminars including the annual instructors seminar. He has been a clinical instructor for Activator Methods international seminars. Dr. Dave has practiced in Texas City, TX where he focused on personal injury cases and in Phoenix, AZ where he has practiced in private practice at the Activator Health Center as well as at the Phoenix V.A.

To make an appointment call us at 602-439-1515 or reach out through the contact submission on our website at Desert Valley Chiropractic.

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