Do You Need X-rays Before Seeing a Chiropractor?

Do You Need X-rays Before Seeing a Chiropractor?

Do You Need X-rays Before Seeing a Chiropractor?


When searching for chiropractic care in North Phoenix, you might wonder if X-rays are necessary before starting treatment. The short answer? Not always! While some chiropractic techniques rely on X-rays to determine the best approach, Desert Valley Chiropractic takes a different route to deliver personalized and effective care.


Why Some Chiropractors Use X-rays


While some experts consider it controversial many chiropractic offices use X-rays to guide manual adjustments. This may help the doctor know exactly where and how to adjust. This is particularly important for techniques that involve rotation or extension of the spine, as these movements can stress the joints if not carefully controlled. X-rays provide a clear view of the spine’s structure, helping chiropractors perform these techniques safely.


However, at Desert Valley Chiropractic, we use Activator Methods—a gentle, low-force technique that doesn’t involve any twisting, popping, or cracking. Because we don’t perform these manual adjustments, we rarely need X-rays to guide our treatments. Instead, we use detailed assessments such as leg checks, segment testing, and MyoVision EMG technology to determine which areas of your spine need attention.


What About Injuries or Underlying Conditions?


Of course, there are still scenarios where X-rays can be beneficial, such as screening for injuries such as a car accident, pathologies, or other underlying conditions. If we believe an X-ray is necessary based on your symptoms, medical history, or response to care, we refer you to a trusted radiology facility. There, a board-certified radiologist will review your films and provide us with a comprehensive report.


The added bonus of this approach is that your X-ray results are stored in a patient portal, making them accessible to your other healthcare providers if needed. This way, you have a thorough record of your health history that goes beyond just your chiropractic visits.


What About the Radiation?


Some patients are concerned about the radiation of an X-ray. Rest assured they are safe.   For example, the radiation from a chest X-ray is the equivalent to 10 days outside in the environment.  So, if we determine an X-ray is necessary, we will discuss the reasons why and you can breathe easy because they are a sage diagnostic tool.


If You Don’t Use X-ray, What Do You Use?


As mentioned above we use technology called Myovision. MyoVision is an advanced diagnostic tool similar to an EKG for activity of heart Muscle.  The Myovision scan provides detailed insights into how your muscles and spine are functioning together. This state-of-the-art technology uses surface electromyography (sEMG) to measure the electrical activity in your muscles.  Giving us a real-time snapshot of any areas of muscle tension, imbalance, or stress. The MyoVision scan is quick, non-invasive, and completely safe. Making it an ideal tool to use during your initial exam and throughout your care plan to track your progress.



The data collected by MyoVision along with a physical exam helps us pinpoint problem areas that may not be apparent through traditional assessment methods. By understanding how your muscles are responding to nerve signals, we can fine-tune our treatment approach to ensure that each adjustment is as effective as possible.


At Desert Valley Chiropractic in North Phoenix, we utilize MyoVision technology to complement our Activator Methods technique, allowing us to deliver precise, customized care without the need for X-rays in most cases. This way, you can have confidence that your treatment is guided by the most accurate and up-to-date information available.



Why Choose Desert Valley Chiropractic?


With over 300 five-star Google reviews, we are proud to be one of North Phoenix’s top-rated chiropractic offices. Our patients appreciate the gentle approach of Activator Methods, which has made a life-changing impact on many people dealing with pain and discomfort. Whether you’re dealing with a recent injury, chronic pain, or just looking to maintain your health, we’re here to support your wellness journey.


Ready to experience the Desert Valley difference? Call us today at 602-439-1515 to schedule your first visit!



Cervicogenic headache … what the heck is that?

Cervicogenic headache … what the heck is that?


Cervicogenic headache … what the heck is that? Unfortunately, many people suffer with headaches.  Often those headaches can be debilitating.  In 2021a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 40% of the global population, or 3.1 billion people suffer regularly with headaches.  While there are many different types of headaches, not many people know about cervicogenic headaches.


What is a Cervicogenic Headache:


A cervicogenic headache  is a type of secondary headache that originates from tissues in the cervical spine (the neck region) and its related structures. Unlike primary headaches such as migraines or tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches are caused by underlying neck problems. These may include disorders of the cervical vertebrae, intervertebral discs, muscles, or nerves.


Cervicogenic Headache start with neck pain


Characteristics of Cervicogenic Headaches:


  • Pain Location: Typically starts at the top of the neck or back of the head and radiates to the front.  While not always, they appear more often on one side.
  • Trigger Points: Pain can be triggered or worsened by neck movements or sustained neck positions.  This can include sitting at a desk all day, looking at our phones or gaming.
  • Associated Symptoms: Other signs may include restricted neck movement, jaw pain, tension across the shoulders, and shoulder pain.


Causes of Cervicogenic Headaches:


  • Cervical Spine Disorders: Such as spinal misalignments or joint dysfunction. If the neck is out of alignment it can cause both neck pain and headaches.
  • Herniated discs or degenerative disc disease.
  • Arthritis:  With aches and muscle stiffness there can also be underlying joint dysfunction.  As a result we get more neck pain that may lead to cervicogenic headaches.
  • Neck Injuries: Including whiplash or other trauma.
  • Postural Issues: Poor posture can lead to muscle strain and tension in the neck.


Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches:


Effective treatment often involves addressing the root cause of the neck issue. A randomized clinical control trail demonstrated that Chiropractic care can be particularly beneficial in managing cervicogenic headaches through:


  1. Spinal Adjustments: Correcting misalignments in the cervical spine.
  2. Posture Correction: Improving posture to alleviate neck strain.
  3. Muscle Therapy: Relaxing and stretching tight neck muscles.


Chiropractic adjustment for headache



By understanding and treating the underlying cervical spine issues, individuals can achieve significant relief from cervicogenic headaches. If you are having headaches in North Phoenix and this presentation sounds familiar, Desert Valley Chiropractic would like to help.


The Best Sleep Positions to Avoid Neck and Back Pain

The Best Sleep Positions to Avoid Neck and Back Pain

The Best Sleep Positions to Avoid Neck and Back Pain


Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. However, the position in which you sleep can have a significant impact on your spinal health. At Desert Valley Chiropractic, we understand that proper alignment of the spine during sleep is essential for preventing pain and maintaining good health. Here are our top recommendations for the best sleeping positions to help you wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free.

Sleeping on Your Back


Back sleeping is often considered one of the best sleep positions, it really is the gold standard for spinal health. This sleep position allows your head, neck, and spine to rest in a neutral position, which means there’s no extra pressure on those areas. To enhance comfort and reduce lower back strain, consider placing a pillow under your knees to maintain the natural curve of your spine.

If you are exclusively a back sleeper choosing the right pillow can help avoid unnecessary neck pain.  You don’t want a thick pillow that pushes your chin down toward your chest, this will strain your neck causing neck pain and potentially headaches.  If you are a back sleeper you may want to consider a cervical pillow which can help maintain the natural curve in our necks.

Sleeping on Your Side


Side sleeping is another great example of the best sleep positions, especially for pregnant women and people suffering from chronic back pain. To get the most out of this position, make sure to:

– Use a firm pillow to keep your head and neck aligned with your spine.  You want your head and neck remain neutral which is to say you don’t want it to bend too far in either direction.

– Placing a pillow between your knees is crucial.  This can prevent your lower body from torquing (like wringing out a wet towel) which can pull your spine out of alignment.  A good option is to place a king or body pillow between your knees, because then you can hold or “spoon” the pillow with your arms so you don’t lose it when rolling over to the other side.  This is also helpful and keeping your knees and hips aligned which keeps your lower body from twisting too much.


Pro Tip – placing a pillow between your knees can also be a helpful way for people to transition away from stomach sleeping to side sleeping.  When you are on your side and you spoon the pillow you can fool your body into feeling like you’re sleeping on your stomach.




Back and Side Sleeping in Combination


It has been our experience over the last 20+ years that many patients will move from back to side sleeping through the night.  As noted above, both positions are good for our spinal health so there is nothing wrong with moving from one to the other.  In fact, this is the way I sleep, and I have found that it is important you choose the correct pillow to avoid unnecessary strain on the cervical spine.

Ideally you use a pillow that has a dip in the middle for when you are on your back but is also elevated on the sides so when you move from your back to your side you can maintain good alignment from your head to your neck.

sleep positions

Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach


Sorry stomach sleepers, but there is no way to sugar coat this, stomach sleeping is bad. As far as the best sleep positions are concerned, this is the worse.  It is hard on both your neck and back. This position can force your neck to turn to one side, causing strain and discomfort. Additionally, your hips will sink into the mattress which is a common cause of morning back pain.

We hear all the time “but doc it’s the only way I can get comfortable enough to sleep” or “I have been a stomach sleeper all my life”.  Trust me, I know how comfortable stomach sleeping can be. While I just said that when I sleep, I move from my back to my side, I didn’t always do that.

Growing up and in my early teens I was a stomach sleeper, and on a waterbed no less.  As a result, when I was 13, I started to get lower back pain, so my mom took me to her chiropractor.  In addition to some great Activator treatment, I was also given some tips to transition away from a stomach sleeping.  It does not happen overnight, but it can be done and if you read the side sleeping section above you will get a helpful tip.

If you have tried everything and simply must sleep on your stomach please use a thin pillow under your head and another under your pelvis to minimize the strain to your spine.


Listen to Your Body


Your body will tell you if something is wrong, so if you wake up feeling sore or stiff, it might be time to evaluate your sleeping position, your pillows and or your mattress. Make sure your sleeping environment supports your spinal health.


Consult with a Chiropractor


Chiropractic care can be helpful with our spinal alignment so we can both feel well and move well.  If you’re experiencing discomfort despite making the adjustments in this article, it may be beneficial to consult with a chiropractor. At Desert Valley Chiropractic, we can provide personalized advice and treatments to help align your spine and improve your sleep quality.


Remember, the goal is to support the spine in a neutral alignment and avoid any positions that might cause strain or discomfort. Sweet dreams and healthy sleeping!

Car Accident in Phoenix? – 5 tips to avoid an insurance hassle!

Car Accident in Phoenix? – 5 tips to avoid an insurance hassle!

Car Accident in Phoenix? – 5 tips to avoid an insurance hassle!


Unfortunately a Car Accident in Phoenix can happen anytime and anywhere, and they can be a real pain in the neck.  It is important to handle the situation correctly to avoid hassles with the insurance company, but with the shock of it all it can be tough to remember what to do.

Here are 5 tips for the scene of the crash to avoid any hassles down the road.

According to the Department of transportations most recent statistics there were 6 063 428 accidents in the United States in 2021 with 2 497 657 injuries reported.   Of those 121 345 car accidents occurred in Arizona. Furthermore, in 2022, non-fatal injuries from car accidents were on the rise in Arizona. The Arizona Department of Transportation reports 52,411 injuries from car crashes, which was an increase from the year before.  

The statistics highlight the potential for non-fatal but serious injuries that often occur in traffic accidents, reinforcing the importance of a proper evaluation from a health care provider who has experience with these types of injuries.  They often require specific care after any accident, even if no immediate injuries are apparent. This can prevent long-term health issues, a concern especially relevant to chiropractic care, where underlying injuries can sometimes manifest symptoms days or even weeks after an accident.

Being prepared at the scene of a crash can help you handle the unexpected with a clearer mind. At Desert Valley Chiropractic, we care about your safety and well-being. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to take if you find yourself at the scene of an auto accident.


Ensure Safety First


As soon as an accident occurs, your priority should be ensuring the safety of all parties involved.


  1. Check for Injuries: Before assessing property damage, ensure that everyone involved in the accident is okay. Do not move anyone who is seriously injured unless there is a hazard that puts their life at immediate risk.
  2. Move to a Safe Location (if you have to): If the accident is minor and you feel the need to move the vehicles, or it is safer to move the vehicles as opposed to staying put, make sure you take many pictures from the scene of the accident, including the intersection and surrounding areas. Once you have moved your vehicle turn on the hazard lights.




Alert Authorities and Document the Scene  (Picture’s or it didn’t happen )


It’s crucial to report the accident to law enforcement. Many people skip this step, hoping the other driver (s) and their insurance will cooperate later. However,  after 20+ years of treating injuries related to car accidents cooperation is rare and it can affect your access to the health care you need to recover.


  1. Call 911: Even if the accident appears minor, it’s important to call the police. This is very important because they will document the scene and can help determine who is at fault, which can protect your access to health care if you have injuries from the crash.
  2. If the police are unable to come to the scene, once again take multiple pictures of the scene including the surrounding area. Also, you may want to call your own insurance company to get the details of the accident recorded in case there is a question of fault later.
  3. Wait for Help: Unless the authorities have told you they won’t be able to make it to the scene, stay until help arrives. Leaving the scene of an accident can result in legal penalties.

Exchange Information


While you wait for the police to arrive, exchange important information with the other party or parties involved.


  1. Driver and Vehicle Details: Collect the names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance information of all drivers involved. Using the camera on your smartphone is a convenient collect the information you will need.
  2. Witnesses: If there are witnesses, get their contact information as well; their statements could be crucial in resolving disputes.

Seek Medical Attention


  1. If you have more serious injuries including a head injury, you may need to go to the hospital. If that is the case don’t hesitate.
  2. Even if there are no apparent injuries, it’s wise to consult a healthcare provider, including a chiropractor who can assess your condition and document injuries, which is crucial for insurance claims and potential litigation.

Injuries from a car accident like whiplash may not show symptoms immediately but can cause long-term discomfort and mobility issues. At Desert Valley Chiropractic we specific protocols to determine the extent of a car accident injury, and that has allowed us to help thousands of people with injuries related to a car accident




We have treated thousands of patients who have been in an car accidents in Phoenix and we know it can be overwhelming, but taking these steps can help ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved. Remember to stay calm, be courteous, and follow these guidelines to manage the situation effectively. For more detailed information on what to do after a car accident, or to schedule a consultation, visit our website at Desert Valley Chiropractic.


Is Your Commute a Pain in the Neck

Is Your Commute a Pain in the Neck

Is your commute a pain in the neck? Is At some point most of us have experienced upper back and neck pain while driving.  Perhaps you turned your head to the side to shoulder check and felt a sharp shooting pain, or just a “crick” in your neck.

This is a problem.

It’s even more of a problem when the neck pain causes you to recruit your upper body to shoulder check.  Or it can get worse and you just “hope for the best” and not shoulder check at all.   We have all seen other drivers do that one.

It’s important to know what causes your commute to be a pain in the neck and how to fix it before you cause an accident.


Don’t accept anything less than a full range of motion.

This is not an “eh…its good enough” moment, you need to be able to comfortably turn your head.  Your safety and the safety of others are at risk here.  As a Chiropractor its crucial to evaluate a patient’s range of motion with they have neck pain. How far can you turn your head to the left and then to the right.

A full range of motion should include the ability to turn your head so your chin is in line with your shoulder.  You should be able to do this without shrugging your shoulders or turning your body and you should not have pain of any kind.  You don’t have to go “full exorcist” but you should easily be able to bring your chin near your shoulder.  If you can’t it is a sure sign that there is a problem not just with the muscles, but also the bones in your neck.

The pain may be more than just your commute.

The pain in your neck while driving may be more than the length of your commute, or the frustration of driving in heavy traffic.  The likelihood is that there are other factors as well, and your commute is where the pain manifests.

Most people work at a desk all day with poor posture, and then double up on the poor posture on the commute back home.   At a red light look at the posture of the other drivers around you.  I am sure you’ll notice that their head is way forward, their shoulders are rounded forward, and they are probably slouched down in the seat.

This posture puts a tremendous amount of extra load on your neck, leading to muscle fatigue, soreness, misalignment of the bones in your neck, and finally pain.

One simple thing.

While this tip is not going to fix the root cause of this problem (misalignment if the bones in your neck), It can be a very helpful thought when it comes to better posture.  Try pushing or pointing the top of your sternum (breastbone) towards the sky.  This naturally helps you sit up straighter and pulls your neck and shoulders back.


It’s all about alignment.

As tempting as it might be to chalk up your neck pain to stress or needing a massage, the reality is that your commuting conundrum comes down to alignment.

Think about it this way.

Your entire central nervous system travels to every part of your body from your brain and your spinal cord. The majority of your peripheral nerves pass through one or more areas of your spine. When your spine is out of alignment, these nerves become cramped sending distress signals to your brain.  This can present in the form of pain, numbness, tingling, or even burning.

Over time, if the neck is not realigned, the muscles begin to compensate for weakness or pain creating even bigger problems than before. If you fix the alignment problem, you fix the nerve problem which, in turn, fixes the muscular problem.

Chiropractic care is the best way to realign your spine and restore your neck’s range of motion. The cervical vertebrae, the bones closest to the skull, are capable of moving in every direction. But if they are misaligned, their movement is impeded. By carefully and strategically realigning these bones as well as the rest of the spine, you will find your range of motion is restored and your pain is relieved at the source.

Stop relying on your mirrors and dumb luck to stay safe on your commute.

At Desert Valley Chiropractic we would like to help you stay safe out there!